The Biobank has different automated equipment that guarantee the traceability and quality of the samples, as well as the development of very useful innovative techniques for the platform’s user groups. The following are the most important pieces of equipment:
- Three automated DNA extraction systems.
- Two processors for embedding tissues in paraffin.
- Two pieces of automated immunohistochemistry equipment.
- Equipment for the construction of TMAs.
- A scanner for high-resolution histological preparations.
- A piece of vial selection equipment.
It also has other equipment such as two multi-head microscopes, spectrophotometers, microtomes and cryostats, thermal cyclers and a transilluminator, as well as a fully equipped culture room with four laminar flow cabinets, an incubator, a microscope, a freezing ramp and four centrifuges.
There are also 43 ultra-low temperature freezers and 6 liquid nitrogen tanks, as well as refrigerators and –20ºC freezers. All the sample storage equipment is equipped with a temperature control system, monitored by Sirius software and guarded by a personnel protection system, 24 hours a day, all year round.
Finally, the platform has a NorayBanks data management system and also access to the HCB’s SAP system.