High-quality samples for future research

Do you want to be a donor?

In this age of personalized medicine, it is essential to have a large number of samples for the advancement of Biomedicine.  For this reason, the disinterested donation of biological samples is essential to make advanced research possible.  We can all do our bit in the fight against disease. 

The HCB-IDIBAPS Biobank mainly obtains samples from patients at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. There are different types of sample that can form part of the Biobank collection, such as blood, urine, biopsies and surgical specimens from diagnosis or treatment surpluses, etc.  There is also the option of donating post-mortem neurological tissue.  

You can find all the information on this subject in the information leaflet below. 

In accordance with national and international ethical directives and biobank regulations, the human sample collection is always accompanied by the corresponding authorizations by the people donating the samples through the signing of an Informed Consent (IC) form and the completion of a minimum data collection form. 

Download more information

Neurological Tissue Donation Information Brochure

PDF - 2,01 MB

Download Neurological Tissue Donation Information Brochure, PDF 2,01 MB