If you carry out biomedical research and work with our biological samples and associated data, we are at your disposal.
Do you carry out research and want to contact us?
Biomedical Research Law
PDF - 370 KB
Data protection law
PDF - 530 KB
Law of Biobanks
PDF - 372 KB
Application for biobank collection cohort samples
All applications for samples from the Biobank Collection cohorts must be approved by an external scientific committee and the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Ethics Committee (CEIm). Depending on the cohort, applications must also pass through an internal scientific committee and may require scientific collaboration with the team promoting the sample collection.
For applications for samples from research groups outside IDIBAPS, the researcher must send the completed sample application form together with the approval report for each research project.
For applications for samples from IDIBAPS research groups:
If the research group already has the research project approved by the CEIm, it must send the completed sample application form together with the approval report from the research project’s ethics committee.
If the research group has not had the research project approved by the CEIm, it must send the completed sample application form through the form provided by the CEIm in the Biobank’s sample request section. Once the Biobank approves the sample application, the research group will receive an e-mail in order to be able to send in the research project proposal, so that both documents can be assessed in parallel.
PDF - 351 KB
Do you have any doubts?
If you have any questions or want more information, contact us.
Where to find us?
- Email biobanc@recerca.clinic.cat
- a11y.telephone932275400 Extension: 1426
Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Case of death: 608 698 168 (from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from dilluns to diumenge)
C/Rosselló, 153, planta -1, l'Eixample, 08036 Barcelona
. This link opens in a new tab.
Faculty of Medicine