March 2025 activities

Upcoming activities


Tuesday, March 4 2025. From 19:00h to 20:00h

What happens to the adolescent brain when cannabis is consumed?

Auditorium. Civic Center Golferichs. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 491, 08015 Barcelona.


Tuesday, March 18 2025. From 15:00h to 16:30h

Tribute to Santiago Ramón y Cajal: Screening of the short film Cajal Libremente

Farreras Valentí Room at Hospital Clínic (C/ Villarroel 170, staircase 9, 3rd floor, 08036 Barcelona).


Tuesday, March 25 2025. From 10:00h to 12:00h

IDIBAPS CORE FACILITIES & LAB TECHNOLOGIES SEMINAR: Leica Thunder Imager: functionalities and applications

Esteve Auditorium, Centre Esther Koplowitz. C/Rosselló 149-153, 08036 Barcelona.


Wednesday, March 26 2025. From 14:30h to 18:00h

Grifols Chair Symposium: Translating Science into the Clinic

Esteve Auditorium, CEK building.

At this moment there is no planned activity.