IDIBAPS researchers give nine talks at schools for World Brain Awareness Week
World Brain Awareness Week, an international initiative to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of neuroscience research, is celebr1
World Brain Awareness Week, an international initiative to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of neuroscience research, is celebr1
On February 11, the scientists will visit different schools throughout Catalonia to explain their research to students between 11 and 13 years old, o1
Workers from IDIBAPS and other Campus Clínic organisations are eligible to take part. Each worker may submit a maximum of 3 photographs.
Last Tuesday, 15 October 2024, IDIBAPS received a visit from thirty people, most of them patients with liver cancer under treatment at the Hospital C1
Over three weeks, more than seventy children will have fun while learning about science.
Installed in the lobby of the Esther Koplowitz Center (C/ Rosselló, 149-153 Barcelona), the exhibition shows the 15 finalist photographs of the VII e1
IDIBAPS organizes this activity for the seventh year in a row.
The Sant Jordi (Saint George) event was held yesterday at the Clinic Campus. During the event, the three winners of the 7th edition of the IDIBPAS Sc1
Public voting for the Seventh Scientific Photography Competition ended on Monday, April 1st. Now a jury will choose the winning images.
The images are displayed in a Google album. The 15 photos with more "likes" will move on to the final phase.