A fake arm three times longer than an actual limb can be perceived as real through virtual reality
The PLoS ONE article was entitled \"Extending body in space Immersive virtual reality: a very long arm illusion\"
The PLoS ONE article was entitled \"Extending body in space Immersive virtual reality: a very long arm illusion\"
Researchers from USA, Spain and Italy discovered a molecular mechanism responsible for the pathological response of the heart to intense and sustain1
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published two recent papers which show that, to improve prognosis in infections related to i1
At the end of June a monothematic conference on liver vascular diseases was held in Tallinn (Estonia), sponsored by the European Association for the1
New anticoagulant treatments are available which are easier to administer and follow than the classic Sintrom. This treatment is well established b1
This is a new indicator of the international impact of the research conducted by the IDIBAPS Human and experimental functional oncomorphology team.
A subclass of liver cancers, meaning about 5 percent of cancers, could be initiated by oncogenic microRNA. A study published recently in Proceeding1