The genetic advances in Diabetes focus of a new IDIBAPS Seminar
Dr. Valeriya Lyssenko shared recently with us the latest advancements in the study of diabetes led by her team at Lund University (Sweden). The IDIBA1
Dr. Valeriya Lyssenko shared recently with us the latest advancements in the study of diabetes led by her team at Lund University (Sweden). The IDIBA1
L’Agrupació Sanitària Sant Joan de Déu – Hospital Clínic de Barcelona ha tornat a ser guardonada en el premis TOP 20 que atorga anualment Iasist, em1
El Dr. Vicenç Riambau, cap de secció de Cirurgia Vascular de l\'Institut Clínic del Tòrax (ICT) i professor a la Universitat de Barcelona, és el pri1
L\'Hospital Clínic de Barcelona ha estat guardonat, juntament amb l\'Institut Català d\'Oncologia del Departament de Salut, en la categoria de Millor1
The genomic analysis technologies enable the study of genetic factors related to numerous diseases. In few areas this researches brought such a big a1
It is the simplest form of surgery. It is called MANOS (Microlaparoscopy Assisted Natural Orifice Surgery) and represents the evolution of the techni1