The José Carreras Research Institute against Leukaemia is born
This morning, the meeting to constitute the new José Carreras Research Institute against Leukaemia took place. The main aims of the new Institute are1
This morning, the meeting to constitute the new José Carreras Research Institute against Leukaemia took place. The main aims of the new Institute are1
HEPTROMIC is the first research network funded by the European Commission devoted to the study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). It is a 3-year tr1
It is estimated that rare diseases -those whose frequency is under 5 cases / 10,000 people- affect about 6% of the European population. In the field1
The complexity of the immune system and nervous system turn Neuroimmunology into one of the most exciting fields of modern biomedicine. Between Octob1
The President of the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya), José Montilla, accompanied by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Cristina Ga1
Barnaclínic compta amb la incorporació del Sr. Bruno Sampaio Reis, nou Adjunt a la Direcció General a càrrec de la Dra Cabrer. El Sr. Sampaio és llic1
REM sleep disturbances constitute an early marker of neurodegenerative diseases. This was demonstrated by the Multidisciplinary Sleep Disturbances1
Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause genotoxic effects (DNA damage) and respiratory effects. It is said by a new study published in Environ1
La Federació Internacional d’Esclerosi Múltiple edita periòdicament la revista gratuïta MS in focus. Aquesta publicació està adreçada a pacients amb1