Clínic Barcelona

Spain is leading the fight against rare anemias in Europe

It is estimated that rare diseases -those whose frequency is under 5 cases / 10,000 people- affect about 6% of the European population. In the field of anemia, 1% of couples are at risk of having a newborn with a severe syndrome of hemoglobin. More than 330,000 children are born worldwide each year affected by one of these diseases, being the most common disorders sickle cell anemia and thalassemia syndromes. In Spain, the average risk of having a newborn with a rare or unusual anemia is being increased due to African immigration. However, Spain is working on that issue and is the fifth of the 27 member countries that has developed a Strategic plan for rare diseases. It has been emphasized by European Commission sources during the 3rd European Symposium organized by ENERCA at the Cosmocaixa Madrid.