IDIBAPS organises the scientific photography contest each year. IDIBAPS employees and people working at other bodies around the Clinic Campus can participate. The photographs are published in an album and anyone can “like” the photos they prefer for about a month. The 15 best-liked photos go to the final stage, where an external jury selects the three winners.

The award ceremony took place in the Aula Magna of the UB’s Faculty of Medicine and the prizes were delivered by IDIBAPS Strategy Director Michela Bertero. This year, the winners were:
- 1st prize: “Jelly Brain”, by Andrea Cabero Arnold and Marta Peña González (€250 purchase voucher at La Impossible bookshop)
- 2nd prize: “Saber deixar anar” (“Knowing how to let go”), by Martí Torres Marcén (€150 purchase voucher at La Impossible bookshop)
- 3rd prize: “El ojo de la infección” (“The eye of the infection”), by Elisa Escabia (€75 purchase voucher at La Impossible bookshop)

The members of the jury were:
- Rosa Rey, editorial director at Angle Editorial.
- Salva Ferré, educator and co-director at Eduscopi.
- Jordi Lanuza, head of Communication at IDIBELL.
- Cristina Baus, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UB’s Faculty of Psychology.
- Àgata Fàbregas, specialist reporter in education at 3Cat.
- Anna May, head of Communication at ICMAB.
In cooperation with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology – Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.