The IDIBAPS 2025 Photo Contest is now open for popular voting
The images are displayed in a Google album. The 15 photos with more "likes" will move on to the final phase.
The images are displayed in a Google album. The 15 photos with more "likes" will move on to the final phase.
Workers from IDIBAPS and other Campus Clínic organisations are eligible to take part. Each worker may submit a maximum of 3 photographs.
The conference held at the Paranimf of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona featured presentations and talks on topics such as know1
Installed in the lobby of the Esther Koplowitz Center (C/ Rosselló, 149-153 Barcelona), the exhibition shows the 15 finalist photographs of the VII e1
The Sant Jordi (Saint George) event was held yesterday at the Clinic Campus. During the event, the three winners of the 7th edition of the IDIBPAS Sc1
Public voting for the Seventh Scientific Photography Competition ended on Monday, April 1st. Now a jury will choose the winning images.
Workers from IDIBAPS and other Campus Clínic organisations are eligible to take part. Each worker may submit a maximum of 3 photographs.
Installed in the lobby of the Esther Koplowitz Center (C/ Rosselló, 149-153 Barcelona), the exhibition shows the 15 finalist photographs of the VI ed1
Campus Clínic has celebrated today St George’s Day (Sant Jordi). During the celebrations, the Sixth IDIBAPS Scientific Photography Competition winner1
Public voting for the Sixth Scientific Photography Competition ended on Sunday, March 26.