The Clínic remains in 59th place in Newsweek’s World’s Best Hospitals 2025 ranking
It is the third best hospital in Spain and the best in Catalonia in the ranking of the world’s 250 best hospitals.
It is the third best hospital in Spain and the best in Catalonia in the ranking of the world’s 250 best hospitals.
The hospital stands out with four services in first place: Endocrinology and Nutrition, Haematology, Nephrology and Urology
The list highlights the Clínic’s robot-assisted aortic valve programme, pioneering within Europe, and the hospital’s good positions in the Newsweek a1
The hospital stands out with five services in first place: Digestive System, General and Digestive Surgery, Haematology, Nephrology, and Radiodiagno1
Clarivate Analytics has published its ranking of the most cited researchers in the world, the Highly Cited Researchers, which identifies the most inf1