Genetic studies help us classify and better understand testicular B-cell lymphoma
A team from Clínic-IDIBAPS led a collaborative study that characterized in detail the genetic profile of testicular B-cell lymphoma, a very rare lymp1
A team from Clínic-IDIBAPS led a collaborative study that characterized in detail the genetic profile of testicular B-cell lymphoma, a very rare lymp1
On Thursday 23 January, the Catalan Minister of Health, Olga Pané, visited the Hospital Clínic Barcelona to learn first-hand about some of the centre1
An international study published in the journal Nature has identified 36 genes involved in the onset and development of bipolar disorder and the fact1
The National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will fund a project that aims to decipher the molecular mechanisms by which1
There has been a real transformation in the treatment of obesity in recent years. Advances in pharmacology have enabled drugs originally designed for1
The Wounds Unit at the Clínic has received excellence accreditation from GNEAUPP, which certifies optimal quality levels in the management of patient1
Numerous scientific studies have identified preventable potential risk factors for the development of dementia. Fourteen of these factors and their i1
Researchers from Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have led a study that has found a correlation between anti-tumour immunological activity and longevity in br1
The AES25 call includes a section for recruiting bioinformatics technicians to support research at health research institutes. IDIBAPS is seeking can1