Advances made in CAR-T immunotherapy to prevent relapse in multiple myeloma
A team from Clínic-IDIBAPS has introduced a modification to a CAR-T immunotherapy for multiple myeloma that makes it more durable, according to resul1
A team from Clínic-IDIBAPS has introduced a modification to a CAR-T immunotherapy for multiple myeloma that makes it more durable, according to resul1
The promoters donated all the proceeds from the concert held on 3 October 2024 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the death of the Catalan music1
Conducted as part of the MELCAYA project, the study demonstrates that anti PD-1 antibody immunotherapy is safe for children and adolescents. Furtherm1
It is the centre in Catalonia that has performed the largest number of transplants in adults over the last 40 years. The first Transplant Coordinatio1
The senior consultant in the Infectious Diseases Service was inducted with a speech about the 40 years he has been working on HIV-AIDS
The new equipment will reduce scan time and the radiation dose for patients
Workers from IDIBAPS and other Campus Clínic organisations are eligible to take part. Each worker may submit a maximum of 3 photographs.
A team from the Clínic-IDIBAPS, the Institute of Neurosciences UBNeuro and the University of Barcelona led by Yaroslau Compta has participated in an1
In recent years, the use of drugs such as Omeprazole has become popular and many people take them unnecessarily. This can lead to side effects such a1
The solidarity project has been honoured by the Bofill Foundation for its ability to combine reading, solidarity and the fight against cancer.