Teaching and Training - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology Service
The Childhood and Youth Psychiatry and Psychology Service has undertaken training in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology in undergraduate and postgraduate education (masters and specialist training [MIR, PIR and EIR]).
The medical team of the Service, with a university position, teaches different classes in the subject of Psychiatry, in addition to the optional subject of Child Psychiatry. During the academic year, around 30 students have done internships in the Service. The Service also takes on the practical teaching of child and adolescent mental health care in the Nursing studies of the University of Barcelona.
MIR, PIR and EIR training
The Service participates in the formation of the following MIR, PIR and EIR subjects:
It also collaborates in the training of family doctors, who carry out their rotation program by the Adult Psychiatry Service and who alterate with the CSMIJ. MIRs and PIRs from other hospitals and EIRs from this and other centers also train. Every year, different doctors or psychologists, most of them from Latin American universities, carry out training stays at the Service.
Postgraduate and master's degrees
The Service, together with the University of Barcelona (UB), has been organizing the Master's in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology for almost 30 years. This master's degree had a duration of two years and is carried out by four students per year. From the 2020-2021 academic year, the duration will be one year. Apart from the theoretical classes, the master's degree students are integrated into the regular classes of the Service. In addition, the Service collaborates with the Master of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the UB.
In the service, different care meetings are held where clinical cases are presented that have a high teaching impact on all undergraduate and postgraduate students. There is also a program of scientific sessions under the model of Refresher Course in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychology accredited by the College of Physicians (Accreditation of continuing education activities for the health professions), in which both health professionals from the Service are external guests.
Cursos de perfeccionamiento
El Curso de Perfeccionamiento en Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) ofrece estancias de formación teórico-prácticas para mejorar las competencias, principalmente asistenciales, en el tratamiento de pacientes menores de edad con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria graves en los diferentes dispositivos terapéuticos: sala de hospitalización, hospital de día, tratamiento ambulatorio intensivo. También existe la posibilidad de participar en algunas de las líneas de investigación que están activas en el equipo.
Continuing education
A continuing education course is organized each year for all service professionals. In recent years, two continuing education courses have been held for health professionals (Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychology):
Refresher course in Psychosis for beginners in childhood and adolescence, organized jointly with the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
And the Course for updating and supervising clinical cases in Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
Both courses are evaluated by the Teaching Committee of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.