Organization - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology Service

The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology Service participates in the following Units:

The Service consists of two healthcare areas, a Working Group on Eating Disorders and an area of High Specialization for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

  • Child and Adolescent Hospital Psychiatry Section. All children with psychiatric disorders who require hospital care and who come from Barcelona Esquerra (Eixample Esquerra, Sants-Monjuich, Les Corts and Sarria-Sant Gervasi), from the Eixample Dreta, from Barcelona Litoral Mar (Ciutat Vella, Sant Marti, Sant Adrià del Besós), and from the territorial sectors of Badalona and Santa Coloma de Gramenet are treated in the hospital ward. The day hospital assists children and adolescents cared for at the CSMIJ in the Eixample and in the specific programs of the Service, as well as children under the age of 12 from all over Barcelona.
  • Section of the Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CSMIJ) in the Eixample. The CSMIJ of the Eixample (there are approximately 40,000 children under 18 in this sector) has various mental health care programs, which have specific funding from the Catalan Health Service and have general and specific objectives. The main programs are: Healthcare Program for children under 12 years (PSP), Healthcare Program for Specific Treatments for Children and Youth (PATEI), Health and School Program, and Autism and Child Psychosis Assessment Program (UVAPI).
  • Eating Disorders Working Group (ADD). Includes Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Unspecified Eating Disorders. It treats children referred by any CSMIJ in the reference area of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona or from any hospital in Catalonia, if it is assessed that the condition of the patient is serious enough to need a specialized center with hospital resources. The population treated at the TCA day hospital is preferably from Barcelona and its area of influence, given that the distance between the home and the resource is a determining factor for healthcare. At the Outpatient Clinic, patients with ADD olr other severe conditions included in Clinical Guidelines are monitored.
  • Higher Specialization Program in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This program has the specific funding of the Catalan Health Service and has a day hospital with 10 places.