The Clínic treated 784 cases of sexual assault in 2024, 15% more than in 2023
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona treated 784 cases of sexual assault in 2024, which is 15.6% more than in 2023. The report published today was prepared1
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona treated 784 cases of sexual assault in 2024, which is 15.6% more than in 2023. The report published today was prepared1
A step towards a more respectful and humanized approach to psychiatric care for children and adolescents.
Researchers at the Clínic-IDIBAPS have shown that intensive cognitive behavioural therapy significantly reduces the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive1
The Clínic has treated 624 cases since the beginning of the year, an increase of 6,3% over last year’s period. A quarter of the women treated who are1
Moreover, this year once again it is joining the “Open your eyes. Come closer. Let’s talk” (“Obre els ulls. Acosta’t. Parla”) campaign, led by the “A1
New research suggests that physical exercise is safe and provides numerous benefits for people with eating disorders.
The study shows an upward trend in emergency admissions related to eating disorders, self-harm and suicide ideation and attempts, particularly among1
The Hospital Clínic is the referral centre for A&E Department treatment of victims of sexual assault over 16 years of age in the city of Barcelona. A1
A decrease of 20% in hospital admissions and up to 70% in A&E visits has been observed in the 6 months following hospital-at-home care.
One study of babies born between 37 and 41 weeks showed that each extra week of pregnancy is associated with fewer ADHD symptoms.