The Clínic's Institute of Neurosciences

The Hospital Clínic Neurosciences Institute (ICN) is the healthcare area of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona dedicated to the study and treatment of diseases that affect the nervous system.

It is made up of professionals in different disciplines who aim to achieve excellence in healthcare, teaching and research in the fields of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Psychology. It is made up of four services and leads six functional units.

The ICN’s objective is to be a centre of excellence through the integration of healthcare, research and teaching. In order to carry out these three activities, the professionals work together in multidisciplinary teams.

Appointment of Dr.Josefina Castro, Director
Our efforts focus on advancing our knowledge of diseases of the nervous system to prevent them and provide better treatment for patients.

What are we dealing with?

These are the main health issues that are treated by the ICN

Last year in numbers


The healthcare is carried out in different units depending on the acute situation or the severity of the disorder.
See organization


Research focuses on advancing knowledge of the causes and the prevention of the different diseases of the nervous system.
See research

Teaching and Training

37 residents are trained each year at the Hospital Clínic Neurosciences Institute.
See teaching and training

Team of professionals

In order to treat people with diseases that affect the nervous system, over 300 professionals in different disciplines work at the Hospital Clínic Neurosciences Institute: speech therapists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, teachers, social educators, social workers, occupational therapists, speech therapists, technicians, auxiliary nursing care technicians (TCAI), healthcare assistants, administrative staff, and residents from different specialities.

Laura Cardete Head Nurse
Estanis Alcover Economic-financial head

Assistive Devices

The ICN’s healthcare activity is carried out in the following units:

See assistive devices
Content prepared with the collaboration of:


First-hand experience with postpartum depression

Appointment of Kerry, Patient
Key, key. A woman with postpartum depression should be treated.

First-hand experience with Parkinson’s disease

Appointment of Artur, Patient
“People die with Parkinson’s disease, but not of Parkinson’s disease.”