Teaching - The Clínic's Institute of Neurosciences

Teaching is an extremely important activity at the Hospital Clínic Neurosciences Institute. It is carried out at both undergraduate level in Medicine, Psychology, Nursing and Biomedical Engineering, and at postgraduate level in different Master’s degree courses.

Resident training

The Institute provides training for the MIR, PIR and EIR programmes in different specialities: Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health Nursing.

A total of 37 residents are trained each year at the Institute. Their training is provided by a large number of professionals and is organized especially by 10 resident tutors and a Teaching Coordinator.

Continuous training

The Institute also provides internships and advanced training courses and sub-specialty fellowships to national and international specialists accredited and processed by the hospital’s Teaching Committee.

Periodically, sub-speciality courses aimed at professionals and regulated by the Teaching Activities Assessment Committee are organized through the Aula Clínic

News related to the institute