Organization - The Clínic's Institute of Neurosciences

The healthcare activity is carried out by four Services:

The Institute has four inpatient wards, outpatient clinics, four day hospitals and accident and emergency activity. The healthcare is carried out in these different units, depending on the acute situation or the severity of the disorder. Specialized care is also provided for mental health and addictive behaviours in the Esquerra de l’Eixample district for adults and the whole of the Eixample district for children and adolescents. Moreover, specialized care is provided for neurology and mental health at health centres in these referral areas. There are also units for carrying out functional neurological tests such as electroencephalograms, electromyograms, polysomnograms, auditory evoked potentials and studies of drug-resistant epilepsy.

In order to progressively improve the healthcare quality indicators, a task organized by the Institute’s Quality Coordinator, all the heads of Service, Sections and Units, as well as the Director and Coordinators of nursing, collaborate in this work.

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