The FERO Foundation and the Clínic-IDIBAPS join Forces for Cancer Research
This year, FERO will contribute €200,000, with which it will seek to provide structural and sustained support for the Molecular Diagnostics Programme1
This year, FERO will contribute €200,000, with which it will seek to provide structural and sustained support for the Molecular Diagnostics Programme1
The conference held at the Paranimf of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona featured presentations and talks on topics such as know1
The objective is to deepen the molecular and genomic understanding of various diseases and facilitate patient translation. The program has been funde1
The 21st International Vasculitis Workshop, organised by the IDIBAPS Systemic vasculitis research group at Barcelona International Convention Centre1
The Minister and the Director of CERCA met with the management of the centre and visited IDIBAPS\' facilities.
The project, funded by the European Union and endowed with a budget of 24.8 million euros, aims to identify a large set of biomarkers that allow live1
Over 60 people took part in the activity, organised by the Sustainability Committee, which aims to work to reduce the harmful impact that research ca1
From 3 to 7 July, Arnau Guerrero and Meritxell Solana, two students who won the Extraordinary Baccalaureate Award for the 2021-2022 academic year, we1
The aim of the agreement is to promote the development of joint research activities.
The PhD Day programme included presentations and talks on such subjects as mental health, scientific dissemination and sustainability in research, am1