Pneumonia: one of the main causes of hospitalisation in people over 65 years of age
Pneumonia is still one of the main causes of hospitalisation in Spain, especially in winter and for certain age groups and vulnerable populations.
Pneumonia is still one of the main causes of hospitalisation in Spain, especially in winter and for certain age groups and vulnerable populations.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Despite its high prevalence, its impact during pregnancy1
The Christmas holidays are a good time to break from your normal routine and take on other activities. Exercising at this time can establish habits y1
In recent years, the use of drugs such as Omeprazole has become popular and many people take them unnecessarily. This can lead to side effects such a1
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments have been associated with heart problems such as heart attacks and heart failure. To assess the benefits of1
A recent article describes how a new biomaterial has shown promising results in regenerating cartilage. Human studies and long-term results are still1
A recent article in the journal, Cell, described the case of a patient who had managed to cure himself of type 1 diabetes using his own modified cell1
Akantior: a recently approved drug for the treatment of acanthamoeba keratitis. The parasite infects the cornea through contact lenses and can cause1
Metabolic fatty liver disease affects almost 30% of the population, and 80% of those who are obese. The disease has no cure, but its progression can1
Prehabilitation is the preparation of a patient before undergoing surgery. Taking physical exercise and improving your diet and other habits before s1