Neuroimaging identifies patients with REM sleep disturbances who will suffer Parkinson’s disease
REM sleep disturbances constitute an early marker of neurodegenerative diseases. This was demonstrated by the Multidisciplinary Sleep Disturbances1
REM sleep disturbances constitute an early marker of neurodegenerative diseases. This was demonstrated by the Multidisciplinary Sleep Disturbances1
Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause genotoxic effects (DNA damage) and respiratory effects. It is said by a new study published in Environ1
La Federació Internacional d’Esclerosi Múltiple edita periòdicament la revista gratuïta MS in focus. Aquesta publicació està adreçada a pacients amb1
Durant uns pocs dies del mes de maig, a l'Hospital Clínic vàrem tenir un pacient molt especial ingressat a les nostres dependències: el Rei Joan Carl1
El dimecres 5 de maig va tenir lloc, a l'Aula 2 de la Facultat de Medicina de la UB, una jornada informativa al quadre directiu de l'Hospital per inf1
Loss of E-cadherin is a key initial step in the invasiveness of primary epithelial tumors and their eventual metastasis. The Group of Transcription1
“Córrer una marató no significa ser un heroi. És un repte molt important, però qualsevol persona que s’entreni, es cuidi i, sobretot, que s’ho propos1
HIV/AIDS remains one of the world's most significant public health challenges, particularly in developing countries. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus1
The Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC) strives to conduct research about the diagnosis, medical treatment, and prevention of tuberculosis (TB) in1