Dr Josep Dalmau and Dr Eduard Tolosa awarded by the Catalan Society of Neurology
One of the main events of the seventeenth annual meeting of the Catalan Society of Neurology (SCN), held on 7 and 8 March in Sitges, is the ceremony of its honorary awards. Dr Josep Dalmau, ICREA investigator leading the Autoimmunity against synaptic antigens IDIBAPS group, has been awarded the 2012 professional career award. On the other hand, Dr Eduard Tolosa, from the IDIBAPS research team on Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical and Experimental Research, has received the Honorary Member Award of the 40th anniversary of the modern SCN. These distinguished researchers have been awarded together with the former Catalan President, Molt Hble. Sr. Pasqual Maragall, who receives the honorific award "Galceran i Granés. 100 years of Catalan Society of Neurology”.