Clínic Barcelona

On-line haemodiafiltration reduces the mortality of dialysis patients by 30%

Haemodialysis is a technique that replaces the functions of the kidney in filtering blood in patients with terminal-phase kidney disease. Despite the advances that have been made in recent decades, the annual mortality among these patients can be 15-25%. A study sponsored by the Catalan Society of Nephrology (Societat Catalana de Nefrologia) shows for the first time that OL-HDF improves the survival and quality of life of patients who need haemodialysis. This technique increases the removal of uraemic toxins and reduces mortality by 30% after three years. The study, published today in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (1), involved 27 centres in Catalonia and 906 patients. The lead author and principal investigator of the study is Dr Francesc Maduell, head of the Dialysis Unit of the Nephrology Department at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona.