Science, art, nutrition and exercise in the IDIBAPS activities for the World Diabetes Day
In the World Diabetes Day and in the framework of the Week of Science, IDIBAPS organized at Centre Cívic Urgell several activities to raise awarenes1
In the World Diabetes Day and in the framework of the Week of Science, IDIBAPS organized at Centre Cívic Urgell several activities to raise awarenes1
Transplant Biomedicals, an IDIBAPS spin-off created in 2014 by researchers from IDIBAPS -Dr. Carmen Peralta, Dr. Jordi Gracia-Sancho and Dr. Anna Nov1
Yesterday the Professional Excellence Awards 2015 were awarded by the Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona (COMB) to physicians in recognition to1
On October 21 the new IDIBAPS Current Research Information System (CRIS) was introduced in a participatory-briefing session held in the Esteve audit1
In early October, the Centre for the Industrial and Technological Development (CDTI) released the 2014 provisional results about the Spanish partici1
The TV3 Telethon Foundation hosted yesterday evening a ceremony to present the projects selected to be funded with the 11.4 million euros collected1
IDIBAPS and the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute participate in the European AIDS Vaccine Initiative (EAVI2020), a project to to accelerate the sea1
To advance in the fight against lung cancer, University of Barcelona (UB) and Hospital Clínic of Barcelona collaborate with Boehringer Ingelheim t1
International experts meet from 24 to 28 October in Barcelona at the European Congress of Gastroenterology (United European Gastroenterology Week) to1
Dr. Josep Dalmau, ICREA researcher at IDIBAPS, where leads the Autoimmune Pathogenesis of Neuronal Diseases group, Professor of Neurology at the Un1