Barnaclínic Defends Collaboration Between Public and Private Health Care
Dr. Catalina Cabrer, director of Barnaclínic was a co-star of the debate on public and private health care and defended collaboration between the two1
Dr. Catalina Cabrer, director of Barnaclínic was a co-star of the debate on public and private health care and defended collaboration between the two1
Improving medical practice for third-cycle students and broadening their experience of the care of critical patients is the aim of the new Clinical S1
The Department of Health of the Catalan Government, with the support of the General Directorate of Public Information, has started a special website1
Hereditary anemias or major hemoglobin syndromes principally include two different entities: beta thalassemia major or Cooley’s anemia, which is pre1
According to an article published in the journal Proteomics (9(4):1004-17), certain human spermatozoon nuclear proteins associated with chromatin hav1
Doctor Manel Esteller, director of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program at the Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research, and Dr. Andrès Este1
The brain is the most complex organ. We depend on it for the functioning of our body and the way in which we understand and perceive the world. To un1
The Exhibition \'A journey through the colon\' has the aim of providing information on the disease and how to prevent it.
On 16 April, the Sala Farreras Valentí of Hospital Clínic, Barcelona was the venue for the presentation of the book “El negoci sanitari. Vint anys de1