Colon and rectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cause of death due to cancer in Catalonia, among both men and women, after lung and breast cancer, respectively. A total of 4500 new cases are diagnosed each year and almost 2000 people die each year from this type of tumor. These data are the result of late-stage diagnosis of the disease, as there is little knowledge regarding early diagnosis. In fact, if the cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be cured in 90% of cases. An information campaign is therefore necessary to explain the relevance of this tumor and the possibility of detecting it at an early stage. In this context, Hospital del Mar and Hospital Clínic of Barcelona are taking part, together with the Spanish Alliance for the Prevention of CRC, in the installation of a “giant colon” in Plaça Ferrè i Carrigal (C/. Casanova, 143, in front of the Faculty of Medicine). This is an inflatable structure in the shape of a colon and contains the exhibition “A journey through the colon”, the aim of which is to provide information on the disease and how to prevent it.
Taking part in the inaugural ceremony were Dr. Montserrat Andreu, head of the Hospital del Mar gastroenterology department and coordinator of the Alliance for the Prevention of CRC in Catalonia, Dr. Antoni Trilla. director of Clinical Quality and Safety at Hospital Clínic, and Ms. Dolores de Oya, chairwoman of the AECC in Barcelona. The exhibition will be open to the public on 21 and 22 April.