Teaching and Training - Neurology Service

The teaching objective of the Neurology Service is to provide first-rate education in both Clinical Neurology and in the subspecialties at various training levels: resident training, undergraduate and postgraduate training and continuing education.

MIR training

The residency in Neurology lasts four years. The Neurology Service has three places accredited to it for residents of

Along with three resident tutor positions.

The Neurology Service regularly participates in the training in Clinical Neurology of residents of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona in other specialties (Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Neurosurgery, Endocrinology, Family Medicine and Clinical Psychology).

Moreover, the Service receives multiple requests for long-term visits from residents and external neurologists. During 2017, 12 residents from other centers were received on a service commission and 18 long-term training visits were granted.


The Undergraduate training in neurological diseases is taught in the 4th year of the degree in Medicine within the subject of Nervous System Diseases of the Department of Medicine of the University of Barcelona. Neurology doctors hold the position of full professor and there are 10 associate professors.

Postgraduate training

Doctors from the Neurology Service participate in various Postgraduate / Master's programs at the UB (Master of Neurosciences, Master of Advanced Clinical Competences; Electrodiagnosis in peripheral neuropathies and alterations in motor control and sensory perception; Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders; Stroke; Sleep Disorders) and other universities in the area.

In addition, the different units offer subspecialization programs in specific areas of Neurology linked to Rio Hortega or Joan Rodés programs.

Continuing education

The Neurology Service offers continuous training to its doctors through a regular program of sessions in both General Neurology and the different subspecialties. Service physicians participate in various continuing education initiatives organised both internally and externally in their sub-specialty areas.

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