What to do in the event of an epileptic seizure or convulsion?
Generalised epileptic seizures, also known as convulsions, can be alarming for those who witness them. However, knowing what to do is essential to en1
Generalised epileptic seizures, also known as convulsions, can be alarming for those who witness them. However, knowing what to do is essential to en1
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic have led a study that has validated the ‘Escala de Autoestigma en Epilepsia’ (ESSS-S), a Spanish-language vers1
Numerous scientific studies have identified preventable potential risk factors for the development of dementia. Fourteen of these factors and their i1
HUB Alzheimer Barcelona is a pioneering collaborative initiative rooted in a commitment to transform the future of research and provide support for p1
These findings offer a solid basis for designing clinical trials of therapies aimed at modifying the development of these neurodegenerative diseases1
Clarivate Analytics has published its ranking of the most cited researchers in the world, the Highly Cited Researchers, which identifies the most inf1
The study analysed head impacts among professional footballers in World Cup matches over a period of 50 years, and observed a significant number of t1
The number of visits to the Hospital Clínic Barcelona Headache and Facial Pain Unit increased by 38% over the last year (1,338 new cases in one year)1
A programme at Clínic Barcelona demonstrates the effectiveness of therapeutic patient education in reducing headache days and improving quality of li1
Researchers at the Clínic-IDIBAPS coordinated a study that highlights the efficacy of migraine treatment with a monoclonal antibody, galcanezumab, in1