The Clínic opens two virtual reality immersive rooms to improve the mental health of children and young people
A step towards a more respectful and humanized approach to psychiatric care for children and adolescents.
A step towards a more respectful and humanized approach to psychiatric care for children and adolescents.
In the digital age, social media is now an integral part of life, significantly influencing self-perception and that of others. This article explains1
Climate change has become one of the greatest challenges for public health worldwide. As indicated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), global war1
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic Barcelona are leading a study that has found links between rising temperatures and an increase in suicide. Pub1
There are currently several treatments available to help people with hypochondria, or illness anxiety disorder.
From the very outset, it has formed part of the HaH Unit, in coordination with the hospital’s Institute of Neurosciences, and it aims to provide diag1
The largest meta-analysis to date defines the specific risk that a child of a person with a mental disorder will develop a mental health problem. The1
A decrease of 20% in hospital admissions and up to 70% in A&E visits has been observed in the 6 months following hospital-at-home care.
Led by researchers from Clínic-IDIBAPS with support from Fundació "la Caixa", the study shows that pregnant women who follow a Mediterranean diet hav1
Although it is not the only risk factor for schizophrenia, genetics is the most significant, contributing in 80% of cases.