Protocol described for obtaining hepatic stellate cells from stem cells
IDIBAPS researchers have published in Nature Protocols the process for the directed differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) i1
IDIBAPS researchers have published in Nature Protocols the process for the directed differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) i1
Patients with bipolar disorder are at greater risk of developing cancer at some point in their lifetime. A study carried out by the Hospital Clínic’s1
Nutrients present in sardines in high quantities, such as taurine, omega 3, calcium and vitamin D, have a protective role to play against this diseas1
Researchers at the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and the IISPV-HJ23-URV-CIBERDEM introduce tumour metabolism for the identification of new biomarkers for e1
Researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and CIBEREHD participated in the new guidelines made by the American Association for the Study of Liver1
A total of 43,000 samples have been collected from around 2,800 donors. The samples include blood derivatives, DNA, pluripotent mononuclear cells fro1
The Stem Cells for Huntington's Disease (SC4HD) is a new international consortium created to promote advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) throug1
Hospital Clínic participated in a study which shows that the implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators has dropped by more than 50% during th1
A study by IDIBAPS-CSIC has identified a mechanism that favors the accumulation of the accumulation of defective mitochondria found in diseases such1
This methodology makes it possible to determine the risk of developing these diseases before symptoms appear in people with REM sleep behavior disord1