Sílvia Beà, winner of the CIBERONC “Award for Best Female Researcher”
Beà, a researcher of the IDIBAPS group Molecular pathology in lymphoid neoplasms, has authored 119 articles, 30 of them as the principal author, with1
Beà, a researcher of the IDIBAPS group Molecular pathology in lymphoid neoplasms, has authored 119 articles, 30 of them as the principal author, with1
Dr. Sabela Lens, who was a winner of the 2020 Rising Star Award of the Spanish Society of Digestive Disease (SEPD), was given the United European Gas1
A study coordinated by Clínic-IDIBAPS researchers, published in the journal Scientific Reports, shows that people aged between 18 and 70 years who we1
Researchers of the IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic research group Viral, toxic and metabolic liver diseases and CIBEREHD have published a study in the Journa1
The new technology will allow researchers to carry out larger studies, with more samples, quickly and with greater sequencing depth at a lower cost.
The prophylactic and serological studies will be performed on healthcare workers at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.
The program provides beneficiaries - all of them brilliant postdoctoral professionals - with the opportunity to dedicate themselves fully to biomedic1
The second call of BITRECS (Biomedicine international training research for excellent clinician-scientists) has been opened. BITRECS is the IDIBAPS’1