A study in Nature concludes that immunotherapy is less efficacious in nonviral liver cancer
An article published in the journal Nature suggests that immunotherapy is effective in patients with HCC of viral origin but does not increase surviv1
An article published in the journal Nature suggests that immunotherapy is effective in patients with HCC of viral origin but does not increase surviv1
A study carried out at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona analysed the outcomes of patients with autoimmune disease and COVID-19 infection who were admitte1
The journal Autophagy has published the 4th edition of an international consensus document on the interpretation, mechanisms, and different multidisc1
Clínic-IDIBAPS researchers have coordinated two review articles on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, in which the1
The goal of the initiative is to explore the potential of new artificial-intelligence tools to improve current imaging solutions for cancer cases.
A study published in GUT, jointly led by Ki Up Lee of the University of Ulsan, South Korea, and José C. Fernández-Checa, leader of the IDIBAPS-IIBB-C1
A study published in the Journal of Hepatology shows for the first time the efficacy of the drug lanifibranor in portal hypertension and hepatic fibr1
The network was presented on Thursday, 18 February 2021. The network is promoted by the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) and groups several hosp1
This February, the projects awarded in the latest call for applications of the Horizon 2020 FET Open program on research and innovation actions (FET1
Researchers from IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic and CNAG-CRG in Barcelona have led a study to draw the first 3D maps of the genome of healthy and cancerous1