IDIBAPS holds the kick-off meeting for the Translational research programme for brain disorders
The Translational research programme for brain disorders was created to add to our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispos1
The Translational research programme for brain disorders was created to add to our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispos1
The study describes how mutations in the GUK1 gene are responsible for causing this new form of Mitochondrial DNA Depletion-Deletion Syndrome (MDDS),1
One of the projects is coordinated by Glòria Garrabou, the head of the group Hereditary metabolic diseases and muscular diseases, and the other by Os1
The study, published by the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, concludes that skin fibroblast cultures derived from patients reproduce the g1
On the retirement of Antònia Ribes, leader of the Hereditary metabolic diseases group, Glòria Garrabou, leader of the Muscle research and mitochondri1