IDIBAPS holds the kick-off meeting for the Translational research programme for brain disorders
The Translational research programme for brain disorders was created to add to our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispos1
The Translational research programme for brain disorders was created to add to our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispos1
They are Metabolism and disease programme (MetaDis) and Translational research programme for brain disorders
Researchers at the Clínic-IDIBAPS have prepared a review article on the biology, mechanism of action, pharmacology and toxicology of lithium.
On 3 November 2022, the TV3 Marató Foundation announced the research projects that will receive funding from the 2021 Marató, dedicated to mental dis1
Treatment with gene therapy, however, reverses the damage caused by deposits of α-synuclein in the neuron circuits and alleviates neuropsychiatric sy1