Sunlight variation affects the age at onset of bipolar disorder
A collaboration between the International Society for Bipolar Disorders and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) demonstrated the1
A collaboration between the International Society for Bipolar Disorders and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) demonstrated the1
The HIVINNOV (Generation of a new class of anti-retrovirals targeting HIV-cellular cofactors interactions) collaborative research project officially1
Avon Cosmetics, leader in direct sales of perfumes and cosmetics, sponsors the world\'s largest private foundation supporting cancer research. Over t1
The Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) is a Spanish major source of public funding for research. On November 6th it published the provisional1
És la primera vegada que un article científic assenyala la funció fonamental de les cèl·lules sanes de l’entorn per la instauració de metàstasi per a1
A total of 29 of biomedical research projects on regeneration and transplantation of organs and tissues have received 8 million euros from the 2011 T1
The Pfizer Foundation held its XIII Institutional Act on October 30. During the ceremony, the awards for Biomedical Research, Social Commitment and C1
The TV series Star Trek originally popularised the idea of instantaneous transportation of people to distant places. This involved decomposition of h1