The Radiotherapy Oncology Service is part of the Clinical Institute of Hematological and Oncological Diseases of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Radiation oncology is a branch of clinical medicine that uses ionizing radiation, alone or in combination with other therapeutic modalities, to treat cancer and other non-neoplastic diseases.

The field of action of the specialty includes the study and treatment of cancer patients susceptible to radiation treatment. It is estimated that about 60% of cancer patients will receive radiation therapy at some point during their illness. The Service is made up of specialists with a high degree of professionalism and accredited experience, both clinical and technological.

What are we dealing with?

These are the main health issues that are treated in the Radiotherapy Oncology Service.

Last year in numbers

Know the team

The Radiotherapy Oncology Service is made up of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals from Radiotherapy Oncology, Hospital Radiophysics, radiotherapy specialists (TIRT) and advanced nursing staff.

Meritxell Mollà Head of Service Radiation Oncologist

Assistive Devices

The healthcare activity of the Radiotherapy Oncology Service is carried out using the following devices:

See assistive devices
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Lung Cancer explained in first person

Appointment of Pilar, Patient
Let us put our trust in science. Research has changed and is constantly changing cancer treatments. And these are effective. Today the world is not over for you if you are diagnosed with cancer, not at all.