The FERO Foundation and the Clínic-IDIBAPS join Forces for Cancer Research
This year, FERO will contribute €200,000, with which it will seek to provide structural and sustained support for the Molecular Diagnostics Programme1
This year, FERO will contribute €200,000, with which it will seek to provide structural and sustained support for the Molecular Diagnostics Programme1
The BBVA Foundation – Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Advanced Research Contracts are aimed at specialists in the Health Sciences, with experience in re1
Cryotherapy consists of cooling the scalp and avoiding one of the most visible side effects of chemotherapy.
Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy are fatigue, nausea and vomiting. To alleviate them, you should rest, stay hydrated and maintain1
It is estimated that today 50% of cancer patients are cured and the remaining 50% are not cured, but live longer.
Avoiding tobacco use, leading a healthy lifestyle, protecting yourself from the sun and vaccination against infection by certain viruses are some fac1
This Wednesday, the first episode of the second season of the ‘Information that cares for you/Information that cares’ podcast series will go live. Th1
We speak to Dr. Mertixell Mollà, head of the Radiation Oncology Service and coordinator of the Hospital Clínic Cancer Technical Committee, about the1