Colonoscopy and faecal occult blood tests are equivalent in detecting colorectal cancer
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic and Hospital Universitario de Canarias have coordinated a study involving 57,000 people that compares the effe1
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic and Hospital Universitario de Canarias have coordinated a study involving 57,000 people that compares the effe1
The Hospital Clínic has the only laboratory where the analysis of the samples from the Catalan Neonatal Screening Programme is centralized, in order1
Avoiding tobacco use, leading a healthy lifestyle, protecting yourself from the sun and vaccination against infection by certain viruses are some fac1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, through the Maternal Foetal Medicine Service led by Dr. Francesc Figueras, has consolidated its screening programme1
• The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has compiled a review of all the literature written on existing screening and follow-up tech1