Fàtima Crispi receives a Fundación Jesús Serra 2022 Research Award
This award, worth 35,000 euros, recognises the researcher’s contribution to clinical research in diet and nutrition.
This award, worth 35,000 euros, recognises the researcher’s contribution to clinical research in diet and nutrition.
The deadline for applications is the 28th August and 2 of the 15 fellows will be hired by IDIBAPS.
The visit is part of a new communication project aimed at raising awareness of the research carried out at the Institute among patients and patient a1
The partnership aims to improve current characterization and research practices of this disease.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System Requirements is the nationally and internationally recognized quality standard based on continuous process improve1
Last May, three international experts carried out an audit to evaluate the Institute\'s human resources performance. Nearly 40 research and managemen1
Next Wednesday, June 22, a meeting will be held to recount the diseases and present the clinical trials.
IDIBAPS is promoting different programs to facilitate professionals combining patient care with biomedical research or enjoying periods of intensive1
On Tuesday, May 31, a group of 9 journalists visited the Institute to learn about the research being carried out.
Researchers from Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have participated in the work published by the journal Nature Medicine.