7 myths about gynaecological ultrasound scanning
Most women will have a gynaecologic ultrasound scan at least once in their lives. Even so, there are still many myths and false beliefs surrounding t1
Most women will have a gynaecologic ultrasound scan at least once in their lives. Even so, there are still many myths and false beliefs surrounding t1
E-cigarettes are not a good alternative to stopping smoking. A recent study in the journal Nature explains that they can cause heart problems, apart1
The Campus Clínic website sustains the metrics after the COVID-19 boom in 2021, exceeding user figures by 0.05% and increasing visits by 2%.
Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy are fatigue, nausea and vomiting. To alleviate them, you should rest, stay hydrated and maintain1
Gene therapy applied to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases is a promising field of study, and consists of modifying a patient\'s genes to sl1
It originated in October last year in the US and could become the dominant variant.
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona performed 58 penile implants in 2022.
Like genital candidiasis, oral candidiasis or thrush is often the result of a compromised immune system or the use of antibiotics.
A recent study indicated that women who use hair straightening products have a higher risk of uterine cancer. However, the findings are still prelimi1
It is estimated that today 50% of cancer patients are cured and the remaining 50% are not cured, but live longer.