Patient Experience, the patient’s voice matters to us
People who go to hospitals, primary care consultations and healthcare facilities in general have a lot to say and to contribute to the healthcare sys1
People who go to hospitals, primary care consultations and healthcare facilities in general have a lot to say and to contribute to the healthcare sys1
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona recently opened a new healthcare unit dedicated to the Pain Unit in the Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Treatme1
Seven years ago, on 11 December 2014 the first conference was held on the “Approach to the assessment of patient experience”, organized by the Hospit1
Interview with Dr. Joan Escarrabill, member of the Patient Experience Assessment Team. We talk to him about the work that has been done over the last1
The Hospital Clínic Nephrology and Urology Institute (ICNU) is working to introduce a new, patient-centred healthcare model: patient experience (XPA)1