The progress made by IDIBAPS projects is revealed at La Marató 2018
On 27 June 2024, a social return event was held at the TV3 facilities, thanking the public for the television marathon devoted to cancer.
On 27 June 2024, a social return event was held at the TV3 facilities, thanking the public for the television marathon devoted to cancer.
The conference held at the Paranimf of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona featured presentations and talks on topics such as know1
The aim of the new programme is to increase the survival of cancer patients by improving the detection of populations at risk and early diagnosis, as1
They are the Translational cancer research program, the Synaptic autoimmunity in neurology, psychiatry and cognitive neuroscience program and the Lym1
The main areas of research at the bench focus on finding biomarkers for early detection of the disease, on understanding the molecular mechanisms of1