How does chemotherapy affect the heart?
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments have been associated with heart problems such as heart attacks and heart failure. To assess the benefits of1
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments have been associated with heart problems such as heart attacks and heart failure. To assess the benefits of1
Researchers from the Clínic-IDIBAPS have coordinated a study that analyses the efficacy of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) combin1
Cryotherapy consists of cooling the scalp and avoiding one of the most visible side effects of chemotherapy.
Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy are fatigue, nausea and vomiting. To alleviate them, you should rest, stay hydrated and maintain1
It is estimated that today 50% of cancer patients are cured and the remaining 50% are not cured, but live longer.
A study led by researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS shows that a new treatment without chemotherapy is effective in treating indolent clinica1
Researchers from Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have shown for the first time that the benefit of chemotherapy in premenopausal patients with low-risk hormo1