Every 3 seconds a new case of Alzheimer's is diagnosed in the world
There is no cure for Alzheimer\'s as yet, but patients\' quality of life can be improved through cognitive intervention such as memory journalling.
There is no cure for Alzheimer\'s as yet, but patients\' quality of life can be improved through cognitive intervention such as memory journalling.
The study, published in the journal Molecular Metabolism, has involved the participation of IDIBAPS researchers.
An interview with Dr Albert Lladó, neurologist at the Alzheimer\'s and other Cognitive Disorders Unit. Dr Lladó treats dementias, including Alzheimer1
A study by IDIBAPS-CSIC has identified a mechanism that favors the accumulation of the accumulation of defective mitochondria found in diseases such1
Researchers of IDIBAPS have participated in an interdisciplinary research study of the UB in which there have been identified two potential candidate1
Researchers from IDIBAPS have participated in a study led by the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona (UBNeuro) in which a poten1