The Clínic goes one step further in the application of AI in neuroimaging analysis
The Neurocloud platform, developed by Qubiotech, optimizes the diagnosis and monitoring of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and multi1
The Neurocloud platform, developed by Qubiotech, optimizes the diagnosis and monitoring of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and multi1
A team of researchers from the Clínic-IDIBAPS have analysed the capacity of an artificial intelligence model to classify liver lesions after a magnet1
The tool generates a report from an MRI that indicates whether patients could develop prostate cancer. The project has loaded on 3.7 million medical1
Through a programme promoted by GE HealthCare, the hospital has included this practice as part of its initiatives to improve sustainability and prese1
Both imaging techniques detect breast lesions, but have differences between them.
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona chooses Aidoc’s AI to improve clinical outcomes and utilize the technology to train residents and empower them with AI e1
Reserachers of Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS participate in EuCanImage, a project from the Horizon 2020 program that will build a federated and scalable ca1