Following which international trips should you have a check-up?
You should especially have a check-up after visiting tropical countries. Dr Natalia Rodríguez goes over the situations in which you should have a che1
You should especially have a check-up after visiting tropical countries. Dr Natalia Rodríguez goes over the situations in which you should have a che1
Dr. Joana Ferrer has led the working group that has established for the first time the clinical and research bases for the use of these devices in th1
The 2.5 million euro Scientific Excellence Grant awarded to the Hospital Clínic and ISGlobal researcher will enable him to carry out an epidemiologic1
In 2008, the Hospital Clínic Barcelona started to perform gender-affirming surgery on trans people. Dr. Mauricio Raigosa has carried out over 400 ge1
Reacting quickly in the event of a stroke is essential for preventing serious sequelae. However, detecting this condition immediately can be difficul1
Actions to extend the life cycle of hospital clothes reduce the impact of textiles on the environment, one of the most polluting sectors.
An international study with the participation of the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggests tha1
Traveller’s diarrhoea is mainly caused by consuming contaminated food or drink. But what can we do to prevent it?
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona, through the Cardiology Service, has exceeded the figure of 100 transcatheter repair procedures in patients with tricus1
Following a healthy diet means including the variety of nutritious foods our bodies need. However, we often do not have the necessary tools to organi1