IDIBAPS researchers discover how a new type of RNA is related with diabetes
Complex diseases such as diabetes are usually not caused by a single gene. These pathologies produced by a complex genetic equilibrium that is slowly1
Complex diseases such as diabetes are usually not caused by a single gene. These pathologies produced by a complex genetic equilibrium that is slowly1
The HIVACAT program for the development of this vaccine today announced the obtention of a license to advance in the development of a possible vaccin1
The Ayudas predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud (PFIS) is one of the main funding resources of the Institute of Health Carlos III, Mi1
Dr. Sánchez-Vives was scientific co-director of the debate workshops How Mind Emerges from Brain: a View into the Future organized by B·Debate Intern1
It has long been assumed that P. falciparum, the species that causes the most severe disease and most deaths from malaria, is the most important driv1
The PLoS ONE article was entitled \"Extending body in space Immersive virtual reality: a very long arm illusion\"
Researchers from USA, Spain and Italy discovered a molecular mechanism responsible for the pathological response of the heart to intense and sustain1
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published two recent papers which show that, to improve prognosis in infections related to i1