Living with Vitiligo

Reading time: 2 min

Vitiligo patients are advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle and follow a number of recommendations:


Sun protection. Areas affected by vitiligo can be more sensitive to the sun. Therefore, a broad-spectrum, high protection factor (SPF) sunscreen and clothing covering the affected areas should be used when outdoors, to protect the skin from sun damage and prevent sunburn.

Although phototherapy is the recommended treatment for vitiligo, this is applied in very controlled, gradually increasing doses, taking care not to damage the skin. On the other hand, uncontrolled exposure to ultraviolet rays without protection is harmful for people with vitiligo, as they have less natural protection and can burn easily.

Food pyramid

Balanced diet. Following a balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains can help strengthen the immune system and promote skin health.

Person doing yoga

Practising stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing reduce stress levels and improve overall health.

Man running; regular physical exercise

Regular exercise. This is not only beneficial for physical health, but can also help reduce stress and improve mood. You should include physical activity as part of your daily routine.

Person sleeping in bed

Adequate rest. Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health and can help reduce stress and improve skin health. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a supportive bedroom environment is recommended.

Beer mug and joint crossed out; no drug consumption

Avoiding smoking and alcohol. Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol can have negative effects on skin health and the immune system. Stopping smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation are recommended.

Tattoo machine

No tattoos. Vitiligo can appear in areas where the skin has been damaged, such as in the case of tattoos.

Substantiated information by:

Paula Aguilera Peiro

Published: 19 November 2024
Updated: 19 November 2024

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