What is Emotional Well-Being?

Reading time: 1 min
Positive sign

Emotional well-being comprises the set of positive feelings arising from the mental ability to deal with or adapt to the situations and demands of our environment.

As with physical health, our state of mental health may vary throughout our lives depending on our experiences, and the strategies we can learn from them in turn can improve our mental health.

As we grow, we face environmental changes which generate stress reactions associated with the symptoms of mental distress. These alarm signals push us to try new strategies and develop new skills which help us overcome these feelings. Sometimes adaptive reactions to major external stressors present as mental health problems (for example, the death of a family member, a relationship ending, or problems with our studies).

Substantiated information by:

Astrid Morer Liñan
Luisa Lázaro García

Published: 7 October 2019
Updated: 28 January 2025

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